2 posts categorized "Games"

May 31, 2011

Paper Dolls!


We don't have cool extra things very often, because mostly we spend our time publishing books.  But that means we are always happy when our authors do something neat!

From Jen Wang, author of Koko Be Good:

Koko loves to dress up! Help her and Faron mix and match their outfits for your desk. Each set comes with Koko and Faron dolls, doll bases, 14 different clothing items, and an envelope signed by the author.

I got to see these at TCAF, and they're adorable!  Buy a set here

August 29, 2006

Gene Yang, Video Game


Check out THE MONKEY KING'S DUEL, a video game based on Gene Yang's American Born Chinese, created by one of his students!

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