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6 posts from February 2012

February 27, 2012

Glorious CLAUDETTE makes her entrance!

Don't miss this gem—no child should be without GIANTS BEWARE!


February 24, 2012

Shadowy Limericks


There once was a father who lost his son.
But wait! There's a possible loophole which which he could run.
He'd keep his son safe.
Let no harm come to the waif --
But then the tale of his life could never be spun. 

If you haven't before, check out this story -- it's a really powerful exploration of what grief will make people do.

February 20, 2012

You should be reading: The Silence of Our Friends

The Silence of Our Friends was a joy to edit. From early conversations with the two authors and the artist about the story structure and the nature of autobiography to the moment the printed book landed in my hot little hands, I've had nothing but joy in this project. And I could not be prouder of it.


(Note the typically gorgeous cover, designed by :01 book designer Colleen AF Venable)

Based on co-author Mark Long's childhood in Texas, where his father was a television reporter focusing on the civil rights struggle, The Silence of Our Friends is a very personal story but it also tackles one of the defining moments of the United States of America. It does this with understated, nuanced writing by Long and his co-author Demonakos, and gorgeous, immersive artwork by artist Nate Powell.

 It seems like I'm not the only person who loves this book (though I'm probably the least objective!)--The Silence of Our Friends has spent three weeks so far on the New York Times bestseller list, and it's been getting very gratifying media attention.

For a taste of what this book is all about, check out Mark Long's essay for the Wall Street Journal "Speakeasy" blog, or the exerpt available at the book's website.

February 17, 2012

Stuffed! Limerick


Everyone has things they don't want to talk about
It's always amusing when those things come out with a shout!
Go back under the bed
Please, hide your head
We don't want you to bring us any more doubt.

Nick Bertozzi does a great job on the art of this humorous story about prejudice and prejudgements in US life today. 

February 10, 2012

Thieving Limericks


The Knights Templar were in a terrible bind
The French Government wanted them out of sight and mind
One knight held the key
To the Templar treasury
So he went away, to a place that no one could find.

For those of you who loved the first book, there will be more!  We're working on having something ready for next year. 

February 03, 2012

Stormy Limericks


In comes a tornado, to turn things around
Because nothing in life can be simple and sound.
Especially when life
Is full of confusion and strife
Maybe it'll get better the next time around. 

This book by Danica Novgorodoff is just gorgeous -- if you haven't seen it already, you should check it out.

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