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October 28, 2008

Drawing With Water

Alan's War, by Emmanuel Guibert, will be coming out next week, and we've been getting some questions: how does Emmanuel do it?  Is he creating this art with ink or pastels? 

Emmanuel was kind enough to make us a video to answer this question. 

And you should also take a look at the book!  boingboing says, "This is a kind of complimentary opposite to Maus: a story about a man whom war transformed into something better: tolerant, cosmopolitan, observant, and humane. "


Real magic! Go on, we want to see more of artist's magic! I've just posted this video on my site (french site on comic books and graphic novel); come on and have a look www.bodoi.com

That is absolutely fantastic. But what about the textured washes? I need to see how he does those too!

Whoa! And was that just ink? What kinda paper? Are all of the other French comics magicians going to get mad for having their tricks revealed?

at first I was wondering what that drawing tool could possibly be? Then I realized what the title of this post meant-its water!
man-the end it like magic!! how do I post this video on my blog?! I want everyone to see your great idea!

Yes same for all of us here when Emmanuel sent this in. There's another one coming, but no drawing, just him singing...!

That blew my mind. I feel like a forest dweller who's just seen the moon for the first time.

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