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April 24, 2007


FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is on May 5th! mark your calendars to go raid your favorite comics shop!

And for the first time this year, First Second is offering goodies -- this tantalizing teaser from the good Mr. Eddie Campbell --



I volunteered at my local comics shop for Free Comic Book Day. The owners ordered some copies of every single title, which was really great - we had something for just about anybody. Of course, we had the First Second offering. I promoted it to anyone who walked around to the mature readers table, and most of them took it! Sometimes all I had to say was "it's by Eddie Campbell!" Sometimes I went on to talk about it being a mystery/western, and sometimes I said it shared some elements with "The Fugitive." It all worked. Of course I picked up my own copy of it, and now I can't wait for the full book to come out.

i love comics so so much
:) ;)

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