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October 09, 2006

George O'Connor, Journey into Mohawk Country




What would a Dutchman wear? Some typical costumes an adventurous young Dutchmen might wear in 1634. Included are prototypes of the outfits worn by Journey into Mohawk Country’s three leads. Finding time appropriate outfits for the Europeans was unexpectedly difficult. Ultimately, paintings by Dutch masters ended up being an invaluable resource.


Hey, George,

Congratulations on the publication of Journey into Mohawk Country. There are pix of you at NYCC on Heidi MacDonald's The Beat. Best wishes on the book and on future projects!

Eric Shanower

Hey, George,

Congrats (a little belated) on the publication of Journey into Mohawk Country. There are pics of you at the NYCC on Heidi MacDonald's The Beat. Wish you all the best with the book and future projects!

Eric Shanower

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